martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

Descubriendo letras...

Hoy he entradoen el blog de Igone y me ha sorprendido lo musical que lo tiene ultimamente. La verdad es que me ha gustado la seleccion de las dos canciones que ha subido en los ultimos dias... Para muestra, un boton: "When you say nothing at all".
Eta egia da, batzuetan ezebez esan barik hitz egiten dugu... Gure begiak hizlari potenteak dira eta nire kasuan norbaitek esaten duen moduan ezpainari haginka egiten badiot, hobe pixkaten urruntzea... jeje
Denok izan ditugu hitzik gabeko elkarrizketak eta batzuetan hitz hutsez egindakoak baino interesgarriagoak izaten dira.
Oingoan abeslariak bai esaten dituela gauzak...

Para los que no se sepan la letra y quieran cantar...

It's amazingHow you can speakRight to my heart

Without saying a word,You can light up the dark

Try as I mayI could never explain

What I hear whenYou don't say a thing

[CHORUS:]The smile on your faceLets me knowThat you need me

There's a truthIn your eyesSaying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand saysYou'll catch meWhenever I fall

You say it bestWhen you sayNothing at all

All day longI can hear peopleTalking out loud

But when you hold me nearYou drown out the crowd

Try as they mayThey could never define

What's been saidBetween yourHeart and mine

[Repeat chorus twice]

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